
This is an old revision of the document!


Problem: Symptom: Solution:

<text type="warning">{{fa>exclamation}} **Problem**</text>: 
<text type="danger">{{fa>bug}} **Symptom**</text>: 
<text type="info">{{fa>lightbulb-o}} **Solution**</text>: 

  • muted
  • primary
  • success
  • info
  • warning
  • danger
<text type="muted">muted</text>
<text type="primary">primary</text>
<text type="success">success</text>
<text type="info">info</text>
<text type="warning">warning</text>
<text type="danger">danger</text>

YOUR_MENTION WebDAV — Updated on 2017/08/24 22:06

[[|YOUR_MENTION]] {{fa>folder-open?color=#FFDF00}} WebDAV  --- Updated on //2017/08/24 22:06//

DokuWiki can highlight sourcecode, which makes it easier to read. It uses the GeSHi Generic Syntax Highlighter <code java> or <file java>.

 * The HelloWorldApp class implements an application that
 * simply displays "Hello World!" to the standard output.
class HelloWorldApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!"); //Display the string.

The following language strings are currently recognized: 4cs, 6502acme, 6502kickass, 6502tasm, 68000devpac, abap, actionscript-french, actionscript, actionscript3, ada, algol68, apache, applescript, asm, asp, autoconf, autohotkey, autoit, avisynth, awk, bascomavr, bash, basic4gl, bf, bibtex, blitzbasic, bnf, boo, c, c_loadrunner, c_mac, caddcl, cadlisp, cfdg, cfm, chaiscript, cil, clojure, cmake, cobol, coffeescript, cpp, cpp-qt, csharp, css, cuesheet, d, dcs, delphi, diff, div, dos, dot, e, epc, ecmascript, eiffel, email, erlang, euphoria, f1, falcon, fo, fortran, freebasic, fsharp, gambas, genero, genie, gdb, glsl, gml, gnuplot, go, groovy, gettext, gwbasic, haskell, hicest, hq9plus, html, html5, icon, idl, ini, inno, intercal, io, j, java5, java, javascript, jquery, kixtart, klonec, klonecpp, latex, lb, lisp, llvm, locobasic, logtalk, lolcode, lotusformulas, lotusscript, lscript, lsl2, lua, m68k, magiksf, make, mapbasic, matlab, mirc, modula2, modula3, mmix, mpasm, mxml, mysql, newlisp, nsis, oberon2, objc, objeck, ocaml-brief, ocaml, oobas, oracle8, oracle11, oxygene, oz, pascal, pcre, perl, perl6, per, pf, php-brief, php, pike, pic16, pixelbender, pli, plsql, postgresql, povray, powerbuilder, powershell, proftpd, progress, prolog, properties, providex, purebasic, pycon, python, q, qbasic, rails, rebol, reg, robots, rpmspec, rsplus, ruby, sas, scala, scheme, scilab, sdlbasic, smalltalk, smarty, sql, systemverilog, tcl, teraterm, text, thinbasic, tsql, typoscript, unicon, uscript, vala, vbnet, vb, verilog, vhdl, vim, visualfoxpro, visualprolog, whitespace, winbatch, whois, xbasic, xml, xorg_conf, xpp, yaml, z80, zxbasic

Collapsible Group Item #1

Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid.

Collapsible Group Item #2


Collapsible Group Item #3


<panel title="Collapsible Group Item #1">
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 
<panel title="Collapsible Group Item #2"> [...] </panel>
<panel title="Collapsible Group Item #3"> [...] </panel>

Title of Panel


Panel content

<panel type="default" title="Title of Panel" subtitle="Subtitle" icon="fa fa-home">
Panel content

<alert type="success" icon="glyphicon glyphicon-user" dismiss="true">
**Well done!** You successfully read this important alert message.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…

<tooltip title="Sample Text" placement="bottom">Lorem ipsum</tooltip> dolor sit amet...

Look, I'm in a well!

<well>Look, I'm in a well!</well>

  * Androids Machines
    * [[:cell_epiaux|Júne's Primus ─ EPiAUX 5X]]
    * [[:cell_epihex|Júne's Extentus ─ EPiHEX 6]]
  * Windows Machines
    * [[:pc_mesonism|Primus Workstation ─ MESONiSM]]
    * [[:pc_mesonium|Manibus Tablet ─ MESONiUM]]


<button type="success" size="lg" icon="glyphicon glyphicon-edit">[[:wiki:welcome]]</button>

$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$


$$\frac{d}{dx}\left( \int_{0}^{x} f(u)\,du\right)=f(x)$$

\begin{align*} e^x & = 1 + x + \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^3}{6} + \cdots & = \sum_{n\geq 0} \frac{x^n}{n!} \end{align*}


<php> if (!$socket = @fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30)) { echo "Offline!"; } else { echo "Online!"; fclose($socket); } </php>

  • playground/syntax_train.1530926338
  • Last modified: 2018/07/07 01:18
  • by Júne Park