
This is an old revision of the document!

Name: CiCADA Saxotum (official) | 라이λͺ½ (korean)

Model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Raspbierry Pi Model B

Storages β€” Storage in details

  • 240G β€” /home/www-data partition
  • 500G β€” ~/storage partition
  • 500G β€” ~/repository partition

Live status of storages

Mounted on             Type  Size  Used Avail Use%
/                      ext4  110G   10G   94G  10%
/home/www-data         ext4  229G  3.1G  214G   2%
~/repository           ext4  459G  310G  126G  72%
~/storage              ext4  459G  215G  221G  50%

β€” JΓΊne's home network

  • Wired (NiMBUS-enx001)
  • Wireless Connection (NiMBUS-wlx001)
  • Wired (NiMBUS-wlx002)

Web publishing and web resources including WebDAV

  • deb_cicada.1713625004
  • Last modified: 2024/04/20 14:56
  • by JΓΊne Park