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Unless all of us are free,
None of us will be free.

You're going in for first degree murder
Even if you get the minimum sentence,
your parole officer has not been born yet.

너는 일급 살인죄로 깜빵에 갈 것이다.
최소 형량을 선고받는다고 하더라도
너의 가석방 담당자는 아직 태어나지도 않았을거야.

— Detective Lindsay

Takeshi Kovacs: When everyone lies, telling the truth isn't just rebellion. It's an act of revolution.

So think carefully when you speak it, because the truth is a weapon.

Bart Simpsons (in Call): I'm looking for a Miss Culls.

First name Tess, middle initial “T.”

“No one wins. One side just loses more slowly”
– Pryzbylewski

Why do we create monsters?
Zombies and Vampires
And things that go bump in the night?
Perhaps because the real monsters are too close.
Too familiar.
Too real.

Just as repetition reinforces repetition, change begets change.
I guess the truth is we never really know what's coming.
Sometime the only way to find out where you fit in
is to step out of the routine
because sometimes where you really belong
was waiting right around the corner all along

Beric Dondarrion: We have to know what we're fighting for
B: I'm not fighting so some man or woman I barely know
B: can sit on a throne made of swords
Jon Snow: So what are you fighting for?
B: Life
B: Death is the enemy.
B: The first enemy and the last
J: But we all die
B: The enemy always wins and we still need to fight him.

  • playground/quote_memo.1519333749
  • Last modified: 2018/02/22 21:09
  • by Júne Park