====== General Things on Raspbian ====== {{:playground:boo_the_bunny_13.png?nolink&200|}} ---- ===== First step for Raspberry OS ===== {{mdi>mini-sd?color=#c7053d}} Flash Raspberry Pi OS ((previous called Raspbian)) --- ingredients: [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/|Raspberry Pi OS]] & [[https://www.balena.io/etcher/|BalenaEtcher]] {{mdi>monitor?color=#c7053d}} Booting with flashed OS & login with ''**pi**'' / ''raspberry'' (default ID/password) {{mdi>powershell?color=#c7053d}} Execute ''**sudo raspi-config**'' to setup initial configuration. {{:manual:raspbi-config.png|}} ==== Setup raspbi-config ==== 1. ''Change User Password'' --- Change password for user ''pi'' 2. ''Network Options'' * **''N1 Hostname''** --- Change hostname for server * **''N2 Wireless LAN''** --- Setup wireless region, SSID and passphrase for wireless network * **''N3 Network interface names''** --- predictable network interface name such as ''enx78e7d1ea46da'' vs. traditional name such as ''wlan0'' * ''N4 Network proxy settings'' --- if necessary 3. ''Boot Options'' * **''B1 Desktop / CLI''** --- Desktop GUI or Command Line Interface for operation **''CLI''** * ''B2 Wait for Network at Boot'' --- Booting sequences are not completed without network connection if yes * ''B3 Splash Screen'' --- Choose your taste 4. Localisation Options * **''I1 Change Locale''** --- Default value is ''en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8'' , Set both **''en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8''** & **''ko_KR.UTF-8 UTF-8''** * **''I2 Change Time Zone''** --- Asia/Seoul or your place * ''I3 Change Keyboard Layout'' --- if necessary but usually pass * ''I4 Change WLAN Country'' --- if necessary 5. Interfacing Options * Disable: ''P1 Camera'', ''P3 VNC'' (if use CLI) , ''P4 SPI'' , ''P5 I2C'' , ''P6 Serial'' , ''P7 1-Wire'' , ''P8 Remote GPIO'' * Enable: **''P2 SSH''** 6. Overclock --- Simply pass over 7. Advance Options * **''A1 Expand Filesystem''** * **''A3 Memory Split''** --- ''**32**'' for console user. less than 32 can cause problem ==== Manage accounts ==== === Change password for root === sudo passwd root === Create active userid === ''pi'' user is build-in account, which means weak point of security. Therefore creating personal ''userid'' is recommended. sudo adduser //userid// Append ''sudoer'' privilege for ''userid'' Edit ''/etc/sudoers'' # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL userid ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL Copy all files from ''/home/pi'' to ''/home/userid'' if necessary (e.g.: ''.profile'' ''.bashrc'') Reboot system and login with ''userid'' Delete ''pi'' user sudo deluser pi sudo rm -rf /home/pi === Update and Upgrade === sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove or enjoy every single step sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade -y sudo apt autoremove Update kernel and VideoCore **''firmware''** sudo rpi-update ---- ==== Mount external disk(s) ==== Check attached or plugin devices using sudo blkid === Format the disk with ext4 === sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdXY === Mount NTFS formatted disk === NTFS format has little advantage under Linux system but could mount it as well sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g Formatting disk with NTFS mkfs.ntfs -Q -L diskLabel /dev/sdXY === Disk mount at booting === Edit ''/etc/fstab'' Append line(s) with device's UUID or location path ''/dev/sdXY''. strongly prefer UUID with mount pointing UUID="dd7c1879-68c5-e9b9-bad6-789d3b8db984" /(path)/Storage ext4 defaults 0 0 Reboot the system and check the disk mounted. ---- ==== Configure wireless connection ==== * Check wireless & configuration ''sudo iwconfig'' to find wireless is available. * Change proper configuration with editing ''/etc/network/interfaces'' {{fa>warning?size=16&color=#b84592}} Since ''Stretch'', ''/etc/network/interfaces'' is not useless unless stop ''dhcpcd'' service. Use ''/etc/dhcpcd.conf'' instead. # Do not use in Stretch allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static address 192.168.abc.xyz netmask gateway 192.168.abc.1 dns-nameservers wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf ''Edit'' ''/etc/dhcpcd.conf'' for static IP address # Here is an example which configures a static address, routes and dns. # define static profile profile static_eth0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers= # fallback to static profile on eth0 interface eth0 fallback static_eth0 This configuration is static (fixed) IP with assigned DNS servers. ''fallback'' option is possible to configure a static profile within dhcpcd and fall back to it when DHCP lease fails. * Edit ''/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf'' country=US ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 network={ ssid="YOUR_SSID" psk="YOUR_PRESHARED_KEY_FOR_WIRELESS" key_mgmt=WPA-PSK } * Gear wireless up sudo ip link set wlan0 down sudo ip link set wlan0 up ---- ==== Set Google Public NTP ==== Use either ''systemd-timesyncd'' or ''ntp'' service. If you wish to use ''ntp'' apt-get install ntp systemctl stop systemd-timesyncd systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd ​ (sudo) /etc/init.d/ntp stop ​ (sudo) /etc/init.d/ntp start Edit ''/etc/ntp.conf'' and append the following near ''server'' part. server time1.google.com iburst server time2.google.com iburst server time3.google.com iburst server time4.google.com iburst restart NTP daemon sudo service ntp reload ---- ===== Maintenance & Operation ===== ==== Useful packages ==== Initially install the following packages for convenience. * ''tree'' --- The tree is a tiny, cross-platform command-line program used to recursively list or display the content of a directory in a tree-like format. * ''vim'' --- vim is a text editor. It can be used for editing any kind of text and is especially suited for editing computer programs. * ''iftop'' --- iftop is a real time console-based Linux network bandwidth monitoring ---- ==== Time stamp prompt ==== Edit ''~/.bashrc'' and change ''PS1'' line if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]: \[\033[01;33m\]\D{%T}\[\033[00m\] \[\033[01;37m\]\w\$\[\033[00m\] ' else PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \D{%T} \w\$ ' fi Save and load ''.bashrc'' source ~/.bashrc ---- ==== Modify login message ==== Edit ''/etc/motd'' Create ''20-disks'' (arbitrary name) and edit in ''/etc/update-motd.d/'' #!/bin/sh printf "\n" df -h /dev/sd* --out=target,fstype --output=size,used,avail,pcent --type=ext4 printf "\n" Script shows the information of the attached disks, which also reminds whether disk is mounted or not. Mounted on Type Size Used Avail Use% /home/userid/disk1 ext4 917G 338G 533G 39% /home/userid/disk2 ext4 458G 307G 128G 71% ---- ==== Move directories & files using rsync ==== ''rsync'' is useful command to transfer data from source to destination. rsync -av --ignore-existing --remove-source-files /.. /source_directory/ TARGET.DOMAINS:/.. /destination_direcotry/ && \ find /../source_directory/ -depth -type d -empty -delete; ''--remove-source-files'' sender removes synchronized files (non-dirs) ''--ignore-existing'' skip updating files that already exist on receiver After running ''rsync'' command, ''find'' command runs to find and delete empty directories. ---- ==== Upgrade Raspbian from Jessie to Stretch ==== [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=184830|Upgrade video guide]] | [[https://www.52pi.com/blog/7-upgrade-raspbian-jessie-to-raspbian-stretch|Upgrade Guide]] sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade Check for any system inconsistencies. Perform database sanity and consistency checks for partially installed, missing and obsolete packages sudo dpkg -C If no issues are reported, check what packages are held back. sudo apt-mark showhold Packages showing ''On Hold'' **will not be upgraded**. Replace ''Jessie'' to ''Stretch'' in distribution sources. sudo sed -i 's/jessie/stretch/g' /etc/apt/sources.list And update & upgrade with ''stretch'' sources. Reboot & check distribution information. lsb_release -a ---- ==== Upgrade Raspbian from Stretch to Buster ==== Preparing upgrade with keeping up latest sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade -y Update Raspberry Pi's firmware, sudo rpi-update After rebooting, modify source list with ''buster'' Edit ''/etc/apt/source.list'' deb http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/ buster main contrib non-free rpi Edit ''/etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list'' deb http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ buster main To optimize upgrading process, remove ''apt-listchanges'' package sudo apt-get remove apt-listchanges Run update and upgrade for ''buster'' and it takes a long time. sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade Optional remove (or possible these are supposed to be removed) the followings sudo apt purge timidity lxmusic gnome-disk-utility deluge-gtk evince wicd wicd-gtk clipit usermode gucharmap gnome-system-tools pavucontrol Clean and purge repository for update and reboot finally. sudo apt autoremove -y sudo apt autoclean sudo reboot ----