===== Manibus Tablet ─ MESONiUM =====
* {{mdi>tablet-dashboard?26&color=#4682B4}}: [[https://support.lenovo.com/kr/ko|LENOVO]] YOGA Tablet 2-1051
* {{mdi>cpu-32-bit?26&color=#4682B4}}: Intel **[[https://ark.intel.com/products/80270|Atom Z3745]]** (1.33Hz)
* {{mdi>micro-sd?26&color=#4682B4}}: ''2G'' / ''32G'' (SDD) / 64G (microSD)
* {{mdi>windows?26&color=#4682B4}}: Windows 10 Pro (32bit)
* {{mdi>wifi?26&color=#4682B4}}: 802.11a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0
* {{mdi>battery-90?26&color=#4682B4}}: 9600 mAh (= 3.7V × 36Wh)
* {{mdi>account-check?26&color=#4682B4}}: {{mdi>account-circle}} [[PRIVATE:cell_operator#operator_for_workstation|ab vítae (Primary) & en vítae (Secondary)]]
* System [[https://meson.in/driver_mesonium|Driver Downloads]] --- {{fa>windows?color=#0000A0}} 10 Pro 32bit
* {{mdi>security?24&color=#4682B4}} [[SECURED:MESONiUM|Secured Information]] of MESONiUM {{fa>lock}}
==== +Work logs ====
* {{fa>windows?color=#0000A0}} Windows 10 20H2 Update --- Updated on //2020/11/25 11:57//
* {{fa>windows?color=#0000A0}} Windows 10 1809 Update --- Updated on //2018/12/16 10:25//
* ''Broadcom gnss 4752 geolocation sensor'' driver does not fit well, \\ solved with 2018/07/08 {{fa>windows?color=#0000A0}} update --- Updated on //2018/07/08 21:15//
* {{fa>windows?color=#0000A0}} Windows 10 1803 Update --- Updated on //2018/05/05 20:14//
* {{fa>windows?color=#0000A0}} Windows 10 clean installation (Fall creator 1709) --- Updated on //2017/10/19 02:28//
* {{fa>windows?color=#0000A0}} Windows 10 Fall Creators Update --- Updated on //2017/10/18 16:45//
\\ Need to install Windows freshly
* SD memory encryption & permission adjustment
* Allocate data & program files into SD memory
=== +Que to do ===
* Permission for microSD should be re-arranged.
* Check users and permission (only operator can have full permission)
* Propagation and endowment upon folder (1st tier only)
==== Location change for programs ====
Due to insufficient size of main disk, machine needs to allocate program files into external disk such as SD memory. To be ensure of permission and file tags, recommend copying files with ''robocopy'' in command line.
C:\> robocopy /E /COPYALL C:\Program Files\PROGRAM_FOLDER N:\Program_Files\PROGRAM_FOLDER
''robocopy'' should be used to matching ''SOURCE_FOLDER'' to ''DESTINATION_FOLDER'', ''FOLDER to FOLDER''. Usually, ''DESTINATION FOLDER'' might not be existing before execute command. And make a link for substituting original folder.
===== Solved problems =====
=== Disabled sound after major Windows updates ===
{{fa>exclamation}} **Problem**: After major update like Windows 10 Fall Creator Update or 1803 Update, Sound becomes disabled.
{{fa>bug}} **Symptom**: Even with official drivers from LENOVO, sound does not turn to normal.
{{fa>lightbulb-o}} **Solution**: Install ''Intel BYT Platform Drivers for Windows 10 (32-bit)'' from [[https://meson.in/driver_mesonium|LENOVO Drivers]] to reset drivers back being overridden by updates --- [[https://meson.in/2CBUzEw|Direct download]]
=== Windows key in Bluetooth keyboard is not working ===
{{fa>exclamation}} **Problem**: Under certain circumstances, Windows key in Bluetooth keyboard (Product Number is ''BKC800'') is not working at all.
* LENOVO support team suggest a fixing way with registry editing.
* [[https://meson.ml/configuration|BKC800 fix registry]] {{fa>folder-open?color=#FFDF00}} WebDAV --- Updated on //2017/08/26 19:18//
* This problem happens without any condition (or unknown condition).
* Solution for this problem with consistency is **Let ''BKC800'' charge fully and try to get pairing via Bluetooth**
=== Login credientials forgotten ===
{{fa>exclamation}} **Problem**: Basically, tablet does not hold large space of main storage, usually C: drive, which requires external data storage to run program properly. Attached (or extended) storage make sometimes permission issues. For better performance, caches and temporary files are forced to locate attached one. However, caching files can have conflict with permission problem.
{{fa>bug}} **Symptom**: Login credentials saved are not recognized and requires fresh new authentication. -- login credentials are not stored as cache.
* Just make another directory for caching or temporary files.
* Delete all the caches in {{fa>internet-explorer}} Internet Explorer and other browser.
* ''Locate new path'' for internet caches or temporary.
===== Known problems =====